As a backend developer working in Japan, I’ve quickly realized that mastering the technical aspects of the job is only part of the equation. The real challenge often lies in communication knowing how to express yourself effectively in Japanese can make a huge difference in your daily workflow. From managing tasks to interacting with colleagues, these phrases have become my life-savers.

Here are some key Japanese words and phrases that I rely on every day to navigate work and maintain smooth communication with my team:

Everyday Work Conversations

  1. 私は試してみます (Watashi wa tameshite mimasu)
    Translation: I will give it a try.
    This phrase is useful when experimenting with new code, features, or debugging solutions. It’s a go-to when you’re taking initiative on a task.

Task and Project Updates

  1. 1.お知らせ (Oshirase)
    Translation: Announcement or News.
    This term is frequently used for updates, whether it’s about the project status or general news in the team.

  2. 2.新着情報 (Shinchaku Jōhō)
    Translation: New Information.
    Often used to highlight new updates or features, especially when there’s fresh information available.

Content Management and Actions

1.削除 (Sakujo)
Translation: Delete.
A vital word in backend management, especially when handling content or database entries.

2.公開 (Kōkai)
Translation: Publish.
Use this term when you’re ready to push content live or deploy changes.

3.非公開 (Hikōkai)
Translation: Unpublish.
This comes in handy when rolling back or temporarily hiding something from public view.

4.新規作成 (Shinki Sakusei)
Translation: Create New.
Useful for creating new tasks, documents, or entries in file.

5.検索 (Kensaku)
Translation: Search.
A critical term when you’re filtering through databases or searching code repositories for a specific issue or task.

Completion and Fixes

  1. 1.完了しました。ご確認お願いします。 (Kanryō shimashita. Go kakunin onegaishimasu.)
    Translation: The task is completed. Please check.
    Essential for closing tasks and asking for a review from your team.

  2. 2.修正しました。ご確認お願いします。 (Shūsei shimashita. Go kakunin onegaishimasu.)
    Translation: I have fixed it. Please check.
    When you’ve fixed a bug or issue, this phrase is critical for keeping the team informed.

Polite Forms and Asking Questions

  1. 1.本日は (Honjitsu)
    Translation: Polite form for “today.”
    A commonly used phrase in formal or semi-formal work environments.

  2. 2.今よろしいですか? (Ima yoroshii desu ka?)
    Translation: Excuse me, are you free?
    Polite and professional, this is a great way to ask a colleague if they have a moment to discuss something.

  3. 3.聞きたいことがあります。 (Kikitai koto ga arimasu.)
    Translation: I have a question.
    Direct and polite, perfect for asking questions in meetings or quick one-on-ones.

Handling Issues and Debugging

For taking lunch break

お昼行ってきます (O hiru itte kimasu)
Translation: I’m going for lunch.
A casual but polite way to let your team know you’re stepping out for a lunch break.


These terms have been life-saving for me and continue to help me in my journey working in Japan. I hope you find them equally useful as you navigate your own professional path in this vibrant tech environment!